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icon1Top selling Education Theme

With over 10k customers, WPLMS is the top selling WordPress Education theme of all time in Education sector.

icon2Superb Quiz platform

WPLMS has the most amazing and advanced quizzing platform with 8 supported question types.

icon3User Friendly Interface

With Front Course creation and management, everything in WPLMS is managed from the front end.

icon4Unlimited Design options

Besides unlimited color & font management. Layouts in WPLMS have 1000+ options.

icon5Secure & Scalable

After 3 years of continuous regression, WPLMS is the most robust, secure and scalable platform for Education sites.

icon6Reliable Customer support

Last but not the least we're dedicated and committed to WPLMS, that's why we have only 1 product in our portfolio.



Complete solution for Creating & Selling courses

Create courses and sell with Front end course creation with Buddpress & BBPress.

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Téléphone : +216 73 364 764 / +216 98 403 645

E-mail : prepaplusacademie@gmail.com

Adresse :
Avenue 14 janvier, Hammam Sousse

Heures d’ouverture :
Du lundi au vendredi : 8h30 – 17h00
Samedi : 8h30 – 14h00

Tous les droits réservés © Académie des Sciences 2025 | Powered by Versatech